Saints After Care
Saints After Club serves working families of Saint Mary School who desire both a Catholic education and after school care for their children in a safe and structured environment. The Saints AfterClub is staffed by the teachers and staff of Saint Mary School. Children are divided into age-related groups with a ratio of 1 adult to every 10 children. Additional support is provided through our Community Service Program with our 7th, 8th and high school students. Children enjoy a peanut-free snack, do their homework, change into play clothes and participate in indoor or outdoor recreational activities.
School Days: 2:25 - 6pm
Early Dismissal Days: Noon - 6pm
Before participating in the Saints After Club program, families submit an annual Registration Form and Fee. All Saints AfterClub Registration Forms and Rate Sheets are available as a downloadable form or in the main office of the school.