Second Grade
This is the continuation of the Grammar stage where the solid foundations of language, faith, and the sciences continue to be developed. Our academic theme this year is Ancient Rome where our students will hear the stories and participate in activities related to this foundational time in world civilization.
In the grammar stage the solid development of language skills is paramount. In second grade, students continue to develop their knowledge and love of language through vocabulary, phonics, spelling, the development of grammar and oral reading. They continue to develop their handwriting and comprehension skills through the materials in use.
Phonics, reading skills, and comprehension are all taught through the Open Court series produced by Macmillan. Open Court has been one of the best traditional reading series available and has been in publication for many years. This series builds upon the learning of previous years to strengthen language development. Through a systematic approach, students can develop critical reading and writing strategies and skills needed for success.
Our handwriting series is Writing Our Catholic Faith by Universal Publications. This handwriting series builds on previously learned skills to help students continue to develop manuscript handwriting. Traceable words and sentences reinforce proper letter formation, letter and word spacing. Students will make the transition from manuscript to cursive handwriting in third grade. Beautiful Catholic pictures and enjoyable activities keep students engaged in each lesson
Spelling Connections is published by Zaner-Bloser. This well-regarded spelling series follows a word study approach to teach spelling. By teaching common spelling patterns and using carefully curated words students learn the letter and sound combinations that they need to learn new words. As they learn how to recognize and anticipate syllable patterns, they can use them to “self-explain” how to apply these learned rules to words at their current grade level as well as to increasingly complex words.
In Second Grade students are preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Students fully participate in the prayer life of the school through daily prayers, weekly Mass, Penance, seasonal devotions, and social action practices.
Text: Jesus Our Life published by Ignatius Press
Saint Mary’s uses a traditional, sequential approach to mathematics instruction. This sequential approach emphasizes number sense, patterning, mental math, memorization, critical thinking, and grade appropriate algebraic reasoning, all integrated with problem solving and assessment. As a result, students learn, understand and are comfortable with using mathematics.
Our text is Progress in Mathematics: Grade 2 published by Sadlier press. Progress in Mathematics provides rigorous content focused on building deep conceptual understanding of key math skills and concepts at each grade level in an orderly, natural format.
History, along with language and religion, are the foundational subjects of classical education. At this level students learn ancient history by listening to, discussing the stories, and doing related activities.
Our text is The Story of the World-volume 1: Ancient Times published by Well Trained Mind Press. As we want students to strengthen their listening skills and powers of their imagination, only the teacher has the text used with an engaging and reinforcing activity book. This series is used through fourth grade.
In addition, each day students participate in either Latin, Art, Music, Gym, or Library